What to Plant in February for a Flourishing Garden


In the brisk embrace of February, as winter starts to loosen its grip, gardeners are bestowed with the opportunity to sow the seeds of a vibrant and thriving garden. At NGS, we understand the significance of this transitional period and stand ready to be your compass in this horticultural journey.

Our expertise goes beyond the conventional; we are garden enthusiasts eager to unveil the secrets of what to plant in February, guiding you toward a tapestry of colours, scents, and life that will grace your garden in the coming seasons. Join us as we delve into the possibilities, offering a wealth of insights into the best perennials, bulbs, vegetables, and fruits that flourish in the fertile ground of February, setting the groundwork for a garden that will blossom with vitality.

what to plant in February


Top 5 Perennials to Plant in February


Lavender, with its enchanting fragrance and delicate purple spikes, takes root gracefully when planted in February. This early start allows the perennial to establish robust roots before the growing season, ensuring a profusion of aromatic blooms that will adorn your garden with charm and beauty.


The resilient Hellebores, often referred to as the “Lenten Rose,” bloom in the late winter and early spring. By planting Hellebores in February, you provide these hardy perennials with ample time to settle in and produce elegant, long-lasting flowers that emerge as a herald of the coming spring.


Robust and dependable, Bergenia brings both bold foliage and vibrant blooms to your garden. When planted in February, these perennials embark on a journey of strong root development, promising a lush and colourful display that enhances the overall aesthetics of your outdoor space.


Celebrated for their stunning foliage, coral bells, or Heuchera, present a spectrum of captivating colours. When planted in February, these perennials enjoy a head start, allowing ample time for settling and promoting the growth of lush foliage in a variety of vibrant hues.


Radiant and cheerful, primroses inject a burst of colour into the late winter garden. Early planting in February ensures these perennials establish quickly, unveiling their diverse colours and patterns to brighten up beds or containers, heralding the arrival of spring.

These perennial choices not only adapt well to February’s climate but also bring a variety of colours and textures to enrich your garden’s visual tapestry. From fragrant blooms to robust foliage, incorporating these perennials into your February planting ensures a diverse and captivating landscape.

what to plant in February


What to Plant in February: Top 5 Bulbs


Planting daffodil bulbs in February is akin to sowing the seeds of early spring joy. These cheerful flowers burst forth in vibrant colours, thriving when given a head start in the cool and moist February soil, heralding the onset of a lively garden.


February marks the opportune moment to plant tulip bulbs, setting the stage for a breathtaking spring display. Renowned for their iconic beauty, tulips inject a burst of colour and elegance into garden beds and borders, transforming outdoor spaces into vibrant works of art.


Despite their petite size, crocuses pack a powerful punch of vibrancy. Planting crocus bulbs in February ensures a timely and colourful bloom, as these resilient bulbs awaken early to add their unique charm to the garden while other plants are still stirring from their winter slumber.


The fragrant blooms of hyacinths make them a sensory delight in the garden. Planting hyacinth bulbs in February allows for robust root development, ensuring a fragrant and visually stunning spring garden that captivates with its aromatic allure.


Making a bold statement with their distinctive globe-shaped flowers, alliums take centre stage when planted in February. Early planting contributes to strong root development, paving the way for impressive and eye-catching blooms that enhance the overall garden aesthetic.

These bulb selections not only acclimate well to February’s climate but also introduce a spectrum of colours and shapes to enhance your garden’s aesthetic allure. From cheerful spring blooms to unique flower structures, incorporating these bulbs into your February planting promises a diverse and visually captivating display.

what to plant in February


Top 5 Vegetables to plant in February

February offers a promising window to kickstart your vegetable garden, and among the top contenders are nutrient-packed greens that thrive in the cool temperatures of this transitional month.


Known for its cold-hardiness and rapid growth, spinach takes centre stage in February. Planting spinach early ensures a bountiful supply of nutritious leaves, perfect for enhancing salads and adding a vibrant touch to stir-fries. Its versatility and quick harvest turnaround make it a go-to choice for home gardeners.


Sowing carrot seeds in February lays the foundation for a sweet and crunchy harvest. These root vegetables appreciate the cool climate and ample moisture, resulting in flavourful carrots that are perfect for various culinary delights. Early planting allows for an extended growing season, providing a continuous supply of these crunchy delights.


As a nutritional powerhouse, kale stands resilient against cooler temperatures. Planting kale in February ensures a steady source of these nutrient-rich greens. With their robust growth and ability to withstand the chill, kale plants become a reliable addition to your vegetable garden, offering a continuous harvest well into the season.

Winter Lettuce

Embracing varieties like Arctic King and Winter Marvel, winter lettuce defies the cold weather. Planting these lettuce varieties in February means you can enjoy a fresh supply of crisp leaves for your salads throughout the winter months. Their cold tolerance and ability to thrive in low temperatures make them a valuable addition to your winter garden.


February welcomes the early sowing of pea varieties that promise a swift and tender harvest. By planting peas now, you set the stage for an early yield of sweet and succulent pods. Whether added to salads or incorporated into various dishes, these early peas bring a burst of flavour to your culinary creations.

These vegetable choices not only adapt well to February’s climate but also provide a variety of flavours and textures to elevate your homegrown culinary experiences. From vibrant salads to hearty stews, incorporating these vegetables into your February planting ensures a diverse and satisfying harvest.

what to plant in February


What to Plant in February: Top 5 Fruits

Currant Bushes

Ideal for creating jams and enhancing desserts, currant bushes find their stride when planted in winter. Taking advantage of the resting season, these bushes establish themselves, preparing for a prolific yield of tart berries. Their robust nature ensures a thriving harvest, making them a valuable addition to any fruit garden.

Apple Trees

Opting for bare-root apple trees in February sets the foundation for a future filled with crisp and juicy apples. Planting during their inactive period allows these trees to focus on root establishment and healthy growth. With proper care, these apple trees promise a rewarding harvest, providing a variety of flavours for your culinary endeavours.

Strawberry Plants

February is the perfect time to plant strawberry runners, offering a head start for a sweet and plentiful harvest. These hardworking plants quickly establish strong root systems during their dormant phase. As spring arrives, your garden will be adorned with luscious red strawberries, perfect for fresh snacking or as a delightful addition to desserts.

Blackberry Bushes

Hardy and highly productive, blackberry bushes thrive when planted in the inoperative season. Their resilience allows them to develop robust root systems, gearing up for a summer and autumn harvest. The sweet and succulent berries these bushes produce make them a must-have for any fruit garden, providing a burst of flavour in various culinary creations.

Raspberry Canes

Planting raspberry canes in February is a strategic move for a summer filled with delicious berries. These canes, when established during the dormant season, are poised to deliver a bountiful harvest. Their sweet and tangy flavour adds a delightful touch to desserts, jams, or enjoyed fresh from the bush.

As you plant these fruits in February, envision the upcoming seasons filled with the joy of harvesting your own homegrown delights. With the right care and attention, your fruit garden will flourish, offering a diverse array of flavours and textures for your enjoyment.

what to plant in February


What NGS can Offer you

Our expertise extends far beyond offering an array of plants for your garden. We pride ourselves on being your dedicated gardening partner, especially when it comes to deciding what to plant in February. Our team comprises seasoned horticulturists with a deep understanding of plants, climates, and the intricacies of successful gardening. 

Selecting the Right Plants

Choosing the right plants is the first step toward a flourishing garden. Our horticulturists leverage their extensive knowledge to recommend plants that suit your specific climate, soil conditions, and aesthetic preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, we tailor our suggestions to align with your gardening goals.

Expert Planting and Care Tips

Planting is an art, and caring for your garden is a nuanced process. We provide expert planting and care tips to ensure your chosen plants thrive. From the ideal planting depth to proper watering schedules and maintenance techniques, our horticulturists guide you through every step, empowering you to nurture a healthy and vibrant garden.

Personalised Advice

Gardening is a personal journey, and our team understands the uniqueness of each garden space. We offer personalised advice, taking into account your specific garden layout, sunlight exposure, and soil composition. This tailored approach ensures that the plants you choose are not only visually appealing but also well-suited to the conditions of your garden.

Problem-Solving Expertise

Encountering challenges in your garden is natural, but our team is here to help you overcome them. Whether it’s dealing with pests, addressing soil issues, or managing plant diseases, our horticulturists provide practical solutions. We share our expertise to empower you with the knowledge needed to keep your garden thriving.

Continuous Support

Your gardening journey doesn’t end with planting; it’s an ongoing process. NGS offers continuous support, responding to your queries, offering seasonal advice, and guiding you through the evolving needs of your garden. Our commitment is to be with you at every stage, ensuring your garden remains a source of joy and beauty.

In essence, NGS is not just a supplier of plants; we are your gardening ally. Our passion for horticulture, coupled with a commitment to your gardening success, makes us the go-to partner for those seeking expertise, advice, and guidance on cultivating a beautiful and thriving garden throughout the seasons.

Get in touch now via our Contact Us page for more information!

what to plant in February



Embarking on your February planting journey is like opening the door to a vibrant garden, a promise of transformation where you, the gardener, hold the palette. Carefully selecting perennials, bulbs, vegetables, and fruits creates a kaleidoscope of hues, forming a living masterpiece with early blooms and ripening fruits.

Imagine strolling through your garden, surrounded by the sweet scents of blossoms, herbs, and vegetables. February planting sets the stage for a sensory journey, each inhalation a reminder of thriving life. With the right choices and our guidance, your garden transforms into a haven teeming with life with buzzing pollinators, chirping birds, and rustling leaves composing a symphony harmonising with nature’s heartbeat. Let the magic of February planting unfold in your garden, inspiring joy each time you step into your outdoor sanctuary.









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